“If we are to preserve culture we must continue to create it”
— Johan Huizinga
Gallery at the Old Post Office Announces Exhibits
Hanover’s Gallery at the Old Post Office has announced its 2024 exhibit schedule through late summer.
Building Expression With Jeannine Dabb
"This series of work developed as a response to the world around me. This year, I felt more than ever the need to show the female spirit as a strong force, One which is diverse but united…”
Lyons’ Share: Past and Future of a Modern Medium
"The Lyons' Share" opens on Thursday, September 5th, from 5:00 to 7:00 PM, at the
Chester County Art Association: Creative Space For Everyone
in West Chester, Pennsylvania. The exhibit, featuring four clay monoprint artists plus representative works of Lyons, runs through September 24th.
A Less Experienced Era for Arts Attendance?
“As federal relief funds gradually ended, assuming business was back as usual, many arts organizations found that those assumptions needed to be revised. As a director at one Philadelphia theater noted in the Philadelphia Inquirer, “People are really happy with their yoga pants and Netflix.””
Clay & Pigment at the Out Door Country Club
The “Clay & Pigment” exhibit at York’s Out Door Country Club features both clay monoprints and photographs of artist Andrew Smith of Visual Realia, LLC.
Open for Interpretation: An Open Exhibit
“Approximately two dozen artists are represented in the exhibit with mediums utilizing acrylics, pastels, oils, watercolors, wood, pen, mixed media, and more.”
Bringing The Outside In: The “Scapes” Exhibit
The “Scapes” exhibit, running from November 5th to December 14th, 2023, at the Gallery at the Old Post Office, offers a wide variety of artistic works. Visitors will note examples of both authentic plein air works and others that depict our spacious lands, water, and towns.
Visit to the unentitled Exhibit at Marketview Arts
Early during the summer of 2022, several members of the Collective Rogue Arts (CRA), an informal group of area creatives, artists, and entrepreneurs in south-central Pennsylvania, began discussing an exhibit of works focusing on collaborations between two or more artists. The result is “unentitled,” a collection of works by seven artists of various mediums.
Images "Captured" and Revealed in South Central Pennsylvania Photography Exhibit
The "Captured" exhibit is held at the Gallery at the Old Post Office, built in 1913, a building with its own historical past. The exhibit brings us to today's photography styles with twenty-three artworks from eleven regional artists
History Imprinted: The Paper/Printed Exhibit at Hanover’s Old Post Office
The Old Post Office, as it’s referred to now, remains a work of art, and in addition to hosting offices, its stunning open area will be the home of art exhibits featuring regional artists.
The Gallery at the Old Post Office is pleased to announce its upcoming exhibit, “Paper/Printed,” featuring thirteen area artists sharing examples of printmaking and works on paper other than the more common painting or photography.
Sharing Words With Tiffani Spangler
Artists whose tools are pencils, pens, and keyboards rather than brushes and paints rarely have the opportunity to display their literary thoughts unless they have a publishing deal. And even then — where and how to share shorter written works?
Downtown York's The Grotto will provide that space, at least for the duration of the "Simple Pleasures" exhibition on written works.
Creator Five: Ivy Rodgers’ Look Back and a Re(new)ed Forward Motion
For painter and multimedia artist Ivy Rodgers, time is the frame of reference for her 2023 show, re(new). Each work was created in the six months immediately before the exhibit.
Chasing the Light with Mary Moores
“When regional art lovers think of Mary Moores’ artworks found in galleries and exhibits, they’ll most likely have her pastel works in mind. But visit her social media accounts, and you’ll often see a sketchbook and drawings in her hands, sometimes with works not yet completed, giving the viewer insight into her art and approach.”
Clay, Color, and Creativity: The Pigment Exhibit at Gallery at 227
Andrew Smith’s exhibit at York’s Gallery at 227 explores the unique clay monoprint.
Michael Hower’s Visual Journey Through Structural Abandonment
Michael Hower takes a look at Pennsylvania structures — long past their prime.
York Art Association 2022 Open Juried Exhibition
Explore the Art York Association’s 2022 Open Juried Exhibition.