Sharing Words With Tiffani Spangler
When one hears "exhibit," we tend to immediately picture the display of works by visual artists, perhaps hanging on walls at head level. We walk in and move along quietly, pausing at each piece to consider how it may or may not communicate and hopefully push us to ask questions internally.
Artists whose tools are pencils, pens, and keyboards rather than brushes and paints rarely have the opportunity to display their literary thoughts unless they have a publishing deal. And even then — where and how to share shorter written works? Even social media platforms favor the visual over carefully arranged placements of letters, commas, and question marks.
Downtown York's The Grotto will provide that space, at least for the duration of the "Simple Pleasures" exhibition on written works. Creators are encouraged to submit works of one to four hundred words in length. In addition, text may be utilized in mixed media pieces. Submissions are requested by May 29th, 2023.
To submit interest, visit and complete the form at this link.
A reception will be held on Friday, June 1st, from 5:00 - 7:00 PM at The Grotto. Participating artists are invited to read their works, if applicable. Questions may be addressed to
Tiffani Spangler is organizing the exhibition with the support of Helen Tafesse of The Grotto and Older & Wiser. Spangler is the co-owner of Tetra Design Co and Three Arrow Enterprises.
“The pairing of both the visual with the written word is powerful. To hear an author speak their words in an audible fashion provides a deeper experience with their work based on inflection and body language. I’m looking forward to this experience!”
Andrew Smith: "Simple Pleasures" appears to be the connecting shared element of the exhibition works. The concept relates to a book, “Small Pleasures,” in the School of Life series. What led you to focus the exhibit on our small, simple pleasures?
Tiffani Spangler: "As I was reading the School of Life's "Small Pleasures," I thought about how succinctly and eloquent the writers had captured everyday topics but deepened the meaning and experience: like the value of a friend that listens, the beauty in stargazing and enjoying the company of your grandma. My thoughts quickly pivoted to the budding writing scene in our local area, and I wondered what were those simple pleasures others were experiencing within our community. And...would they be willing to share?"
AS: You're an avid reader. Is there a "typical Tiffani Spangler" book, perhaps a genre or theme you are looking for when deciding upon the next book to pick up? Does your reading impact your writing, both long-term and immediately?
TS: "When I was 20 or 21, I had a moment where I decided I wanted to read 5,000 books in my lifetime. I broke down that goal into how many books I would have to read each year, and suddenly by the time I was in my late 20s with a demanding career and raising a kiddo, I abandoned the goal and became intensely over-analytical about what I read. (Me... analytical... shocker!) I was reading memoirs, business, and leadership books only. Fast forward to my mid-30s, and now I find myself diving into modern fiction, picking up books my peers are reading (pro-tip...find some book besties!), and of course, devouring my favorite genre of books: memoirs.
"My reading stays in my thoughts, my topics of conversation (cue the Grotto's Knowledge Share event), and my work. What I read imprints on my personality and how I frame my thoughts. When I read, I'm at my best."
AS: Do you have any writing rituals or ways that you approach writing?
TS: "When it comes to writing, I'm not academically trained or a professional by any means. I give myself the freedom to write via a random journal, my iPhone notes app, on my iPad with an Apple pencil, and through voice memos. As the cool kids would say...I'm rather a newb at writing and so my process is still developing."
AS: Tell us a bit about the exhibit space and how you envision displaying the works.
TS: "The work will be displayed in the lobby area of The Grotto. I'm currently building the display piece but think line wire, peg board, and bulldog clips.
AS: The First Friday opening will also include a public reading. How does hearing a work read by the author change our experience?
TS: “The pairing of both the visual with the written word is powerful. To hear an author speak their words in an audible fashion provides a deeper experience with their work based on inflection and body language. I'm looking forward to this experience!"
AS: For someone hesitant to share their written words, do you have any thoughts regarding how to approach sharing for both this opportunity and others?
TS: "I get your hesitancy; there is no pressure (but please know...if you submit...I will most likely become your biggest hype-person). We at the Grotto are excited to hear and witness your work. The Grotto is a space designed to try new things and be surrounded by a community of folks who are excited to journey with you as you share your written words."
AS: What else would you like our article audience to know about this exhibit?
TS: "The exhibit is intended to show your written work in a multitude of forms: through words, visuals, colors, and however you are most comfortable in expressing your simple pleasures.
"Also, this is The Grotto's first open call for work. Why not submit? :-) "
Tiffani has noted that she's open to other literary possibilities for the writing community involved in the exhibition. Ensure that you're part of those possible opportunities and share your work!
"Simple Pleasures"
Opening Reception:
Friday, June 2nd, 5-7 PM
Additional Hours:
M-TH: 9-6
F: 9-5
The Grotto
2 W. Market St.
2nd Floor
Enter at the "Rupp Building" awning to the left of the Prince Street Cafe’s doors.
All works copyright Tiffani Spangler and/or Andrew T. Smith