Creator Five: Raine Dawn Valentine
Images courtesy of Raine Dawn Valentine
Raine Dawn has a solo exhibit currently showing at the Old Post Office (141 Broadway, Hanover, PA) through November 18th, as part of YWCA Hanover’s “Artists’ Voices” series.
Even from a geographic distance, it's evident that Raine Dawn Valentine lives her art and her perspectives on life - and how the two intersect. An art teacher for 15 fifteen years in Maryland, she brings her background as a member of the Turtle Mountain Chippewa Tribe to all that she touches.
The self-described "Indigenous Intuitive Artist" is active in making art with others and her own solo work. You'll find her in art lessons, workshops, and festivals in addition to her classroom.
Let's learn more about Raine via the Creator Five:
1) When you look at Valentine's artworks, you see that there's no one traditional medium she works in, and the medium itself doesn't seem to be the point. As she defines it, "Life is my medium. Art is the journey of life. The expression of self. I really enjoy expressing myself through paint, photography, henna, writing, dancing and singing... among so much more."
2) Her own influences are likewise varied and broad, giving credit to life itself, as well as Nature, Mother Earth, Grandmother Moon, relationships with others, and the "experiences on this journey."
Raine Dawn’s works at Hanover’s historic Old Post Office in November, 2022
For inspiration in the written word, Raine suggests:
Dr. A.C. Ross - Mitakuye Oyasin: "We Are All Related"
Carlos Castaneda - Journey to Ixtlan, Tales of Power
Peter London - Drawing Closer to Nature
Ekhart Tolle - The Power of Now
Don Miguel Ruiz - The Four Agreements
Alan W. Watts - The Book
Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
Jean Houston - A Passion for the Possible
Osho - The History of Tao
Neville Goddard - The Power of Imagination
Regarding her day, "I am truly creative all day long, in everything I do... I really spend time focusing my thoughts on creative ways to live and love life. I love painting any time of day or night. I am very logically creative, meaning I spend a lot of time coming up with new things to write or share or create."
Is anything unusual on her desk?
"Unusual? Well I have a little altar of crystals on my desk, but I wouldn't say it is unusual. Everyone should have crystals all over!"
3) With such a varied background, Raine can offer us new ways of thinking in terms of advice.
"The seven teachings of the Anishinaabe are Truth, Honesty, Humility, Bravery, Wisdom, Respect, and Love. When we spend time reflecting on who we are and what we've been through, we can grow. When we grow and truly know ourselves deeper, we shine. Each man is a light; when we shine, we help others to see themselves deeper as well. And this remembrance that we are all connected ripples out and touches lives. The most important things we can do are know ourselves, love our neighbor as ourselves, and remember we are all connected."
Raine Dawn’s works at Hanover’s historic Old Post Office in November, 2022
4) It's difficult to believe that Valentine has much downtime, but she enjoys hiking and kayaking — and being in nature and water in general. "I love waking up early and watching the sunrise from the top of a cliff and hiking through the woods. Then kayaking in a lake at the end of the day."
5) I'm a believer that our food choices are a fun way to gain insight into personality. For example, she shares with us, "I really like a good cheese steak! I had a great one a few days ago at Goofys To Go in Spring Grove. I also like avocado toast from I-ron-ic Cafe!"
For a snack, she'd grab dark chocolate with lavender, apple cider vinegar kombucha, and dark roast coffee. Since it's summer, ice cream may be a good choice, and it'd be chocolate peanut butter or peach.
All works copyright Terri Yacovelli and/or Andrew T. Smith